The U.S. flag is a great symbol of our nation, but the principles we cherish as a country are enshrined in our Constitution. Let’s give the Constitution the allegiance it deserves.
Poor Richard`s Blog:
#PledgeOfAllegiance #ConstitutionalOath
Daylight Saving Time starts at 2 PM on Sunday, March 9th.
What do you think... should Congress make Standard Time permanent?
#DST #SpringForward
To provide the highest standard of living for all Americans, and to remain competitive on the world stage, the U.S. needs scientific info & literacy now more than ever.
#StandUpForScience on March 7th at events nationwide!
#ScienceForAll #ScienceNotSilence
The Benjamin Franklin Party is featured on the current episode of the Long Live Alternative Parties podcast available on Spotify, Apple, and TuneIn. Give it a listen!👂
A better metaphor for U.S. politics is an orchestra, a business, or a movie, not a tribe or sports.
Real leaders don`t spend time deflecting blame. They accept responsibility for the path forward.
You can`t lead into the past.
Per the U.S. Supreme Court`s 2024 presidential immunity decision, DJT`s statement applies to the President but no one else (although the President can pardon others).
#PresidentialImmunity #EndsVsMeans
Trust requires #transparency. #DOGE needs to appropriately show its work and immediately turn over any evidence of wrongdoing to the #DOJ.
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