

How is the Benjamin Franklin Party Different from the U.S. Democrat and Republican Parties?

The Benjamin Franklin Party is different from the Republican, Democrat, and other U.S. political parties, because it is not based on political ideologies.  Instead, the Benjamin Franklin Party operates according to the best available science to create and protect the highest standard of living for all Americans. And because science only builds upon proven knowledge, the Benjamin Franklin Party keeps what is already working. Needed improvements are also made in the most efficient way possible, greatly reducing the waste of taxpayer dollars and human suffering caused by government ineffectiveness.

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The Biggest Tent of All

An excerpt from Poor Richards Blog

A simple sketch of a capitol-looking building, with two hands shaking below the building

“Let each of us range himself on the side which unfurls the ensigns of public good. Faction will then vanish.”

– Benjamin Franklin

The common denominator in the words party and partisan is part. That is because both words come from the Latin root, partis, which means part. And a part is a subset, a division less than the whole. So, in terms of people, party or partisan by definition means “not everyone.”

“Less than everyone” may be how some political parties operate, but it is not how democratic governments are supposed to run. To the fullest extent possible, just governments should always equally benefit all those governed.

In the United States, every public official takes an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. And in that Constitution, which defines our system of government, America’s founders clearly state it was established to, among other things, promote the general welfare. Not the specific welfare of any group or party.

A political party may represent less than the whole but elected representatives should not. Elected officials are sworn to represent the best interests of all their constituents. Even if a citizen votes a straight party ticket, in the United States it is never political parties that are elected. It is individual representatives. And it is individual representatives who take the oath of office, not parties. Individual candidates may win or lose an election (ideally based on competence), but constituents should never lose. People should always be over party.