The Benjamin Franklin Party is different from the Republican, Democrat, and other U.S. political parties, because it is not based on political ideologies. Instead, the Benjamin Franklin Party operates according to the best available science to create and protect the highest standard of living for all Americans. And because science only builds upon proven knowledge, the Benjamin Franklin Party keeps what is already working. Needed improvements are also made in the most efficient way possible, greatly reducing the waste of taxpayer dollars and human suffering caused by government ineffectiveness.
Ready for Better Government? So Are We.
Join us:
The Biggest Tent of All
“Let each of us range himself on the side which unfurls the ensigns of public good. Faction will then vanish.”
– Benjamin Franklin
The common denominator in the words party and partisan is part. That is because both words come from the Latin root, partis, which means part. And a part is a subset, a division less than the whole. So, in terms of people, party or partisan by definition means “not everyone.”
“Less than everyone” may be how some political parties operate, but it is not how democratic governments are supposed to run. To the fullest extent possible, just governments should always equally benefit all those governed.
At the Benjamin Franklin Party, we are not just for those who are for us. We are for all Americans. We firmly believe in justice, not “just us.” The Benjamin Franklin Party is the not a part-y party. Does this seem idealistic, nonsensical, or naïve? Fine, we accept that. The big problems facing America require everyone to be involved. And the solutions should also benefit all Americans.
Democrats and Republicans claim to be “big tent” parties. And they both try to grow their tents by adding special interest groups. But, while tents keep people in, they also keep people out. The Benjamin Franklin Party only has one special interest group: the American people. The biggest tent of all is everyone. The biggest tent of all is no tent.
We welcome you to come join us in the Benjamin Franklin Party’s no-tent tent!
To provide the highest standard of living for all Americans, and to remain competitive on the world stage, the U.S. needs scientific info & literacy now more than ever.
#StandUpForScience on March 7th at events nationwide!
#ScienceForAll #ScienceNotSilence
The Benjamin Franklin Party is featured on the current episode of the Long Live Alternative Parties podcast available on Spotify, Apple, and TuneIn. Give it a listen!👂
A better metaphor for U.S. politics is an orchestra, a business, or a movie, not a tribe or sports.
Real leaders don`t spend time deflecting blame. They accept responsibility for the path forward.
You can`t lead into the past.
Per the U.S. Supreme Court`s 2024 presidential immunity decision, DJT`s statement applies to the President but no one else (although the President can pardon others).
#PresidentialImmunity #EndsVsMeans
Trust requires #transparency. #DOGE needs to appropriately show its work and immediately turn over any evidence of wrongdoing to the #DOJ.
Politics should never be a sport. The stakes in terms of people’s lives are simply too high.
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